Sunday, March 18, 2012

Five Week Blues

Friday was officially the "five weeks until show time" day. I was warned long ago that the last few weeks are the toughest . . .some say it starts sucking at 12 weeks out, others might say only the last two weeks really suck. I think it all depends on how long and hard one has been dieting and working out. Considering I started my prep a long ways out and have stuck to my workout and diet plan 99.99999% of the time (the only exception was when I was sick and couldn't get out of bed!), I haven't suffered much.

Okay now I'm suffering. I was pretty tired on Friday morning and for the first morning just flat out wanted nothing to do with the treadmill when my alarm went off. I dragged myself down to the basement and got my hour done. It wasn't easy and I was still having a hard time moving to get myself ready for work. I ended up stopping at 7-11 on my way to work and getting a Redline to make it through the day - basically full of caffeine and other energizing garbage minus the calories. Normally I wouldn't have one but it was either that or be completely miserable and dysfunctional the entire day.

I realize that I am the one that decided to do this competition. No one else is forcing me to workout or diet. It's MY choice and MY choice alone so I don't think I should be making others suffer by listening to me whimper and whine about  how miserable I feel now. So I kept my whimpering to myself all day on Friday but since this is my blog I can whine away in here :)

Although there are times in my life that I was miserable and felt like I wanted to die when I had the flu or some other illness, this is a completely different kind of misery. I literally feel like I want to curl up and just sleep all the time. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion most of the time. I don't think I have ever actually been so tired I wanted to cry. I almost lost it during round 2 of cardio yesterday because I was just so tired. And I'm grumpy. Oh so grumpy!

I have to admit that I thought about just quitting at least 5 times this weekend because I have no idea how I can deal with feeling like this for another 5 weeks. I'm not a quitter so I'm just sucking it up and doing what I need to do. Five weeks will fly by (hopefully!) with some good days and some not so good days but I will feel  amazing at the end knowing that I did it.

Time for round two of cardio, finishing up some laundry and then a well deserved nap!

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